
Regarding the pro-Palestinian camp outside LMU Munich

17 Oct 2024

Since 13 May 2024, a pro-Palestinian camp has been located on publicly owned land on Professor-Huber-Platz in front of the university. The camp has no connection to LMU, and the organizers are not an LMU group. Therefore, as with similar events before, LMU has spoken out against the camp, and from the beginning LMU has cooperated with the City of Munich to prevent the camp, which is registered as a permanent gathering, from taking place in front of the university. However, the City of Munich’s attempt to relocate the camp was unsuccessful in a court of law. Since then, the camp has been repeatedly extended. At the start of the winter semester, the University Executive Board of LMU would therefore like to make its position on the camp unequivocally clear once again:

LMU continues to oppose the camp in front of the university. The location in front of LMU obviously creates a connection to the university, which LMU has repudiated in the strongest terms from the outset.

Unfortunately, this is not sufficiently recognized by the public and the media, and the pro-Palestinian actions on Professor-Huber-Platz are almost always associated with the university. This damages the reputation of LMU and brings the university into disrepute.

Above all, it is unacceptable that members of LMU — especially people of the Jewish faith — feel unsafe, harassed, or threatened by the camp.

As an open place of research, teaching, and learning, where all members and visitors should feel safe, LMU will therefore continue to use all means at its disposal to have the camp on Professor-Huber-Platz closed down or at least moved to a location unconnected to the university.

Anyone who experiences hostility, harassment, anti-Semitism, or discrimination at LMU can contact the persons and services listed here:

The university reserves the right to take legal action in the event of incidents at LMU, up to and including bringing criminal charges.

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